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Notice on Printing and Distributing the Technical Plan for Fertilizer Reduction in 2023-National Agricultural Technology Center


Provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the central government and cities specifically designated in the state plan, stations (centers) of soil and fertilizer (tillage fertilizer, tillage ring, tillage protection and agricultural technology), Tianjin and Liaoning Agricultural Development Service Centers, Agricultural Technology Extension Station of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, Agricultural Development Department of Beidahuang Agricultural Reclamation Group Co., Ltd., Guangdong Agricultural Reclamation Bureau:

In order to implement the requirements of the Action Plan for Fertilizer Reduction by 2025, further improve the efficiency of fertilizer reduction, integrate and demonstrate the "three new" technical models, and promote the popularization of scientific fertilization technology, our center has formulated the Technical Plan for Fertilizer Reduction by 2023, which is hereby printed and distributed to you. Please seriously organize and carry out relevant work in light of the actual situation in this region.

Contact: Fu Guohai

Tel (fax): 010-59194535

Email: natesc_fei@agri.gov.cn

National agricultural technology center

May 26(th), 2023

Technical scheme of fertilizer reduction in 2023

Fertilizer is the "grain" of crops and the material basis for the yield and quality of agricultural products. Promoting fertilizer reduction and efficiency increase is an inevitable requirement to consolidate the foundation of food security in an all-round way and accelerate the green transformation of agriculture. It is also an important measure to ensure the quality and safety of agricultural products and strengthen the construction of ecological civilization. This plan is formulated to promote the implementation of chemical fertilizer reduction, strengthen the "three new" integrated support, implement a new round of 100 billion Jin of grain production capacity improvement, and promote the green and high-quality development of agriculture.

I. General requirements

In accordance with the requirements of the Action Plan for Fertilizer Reduction by 2025 and the Notice on Doing a Good Job in Fertilizer Reduction by 2023, with the goal of ensuring the effective supply of grain and important agricultural products and promoting the green and high-quality development of planting industry, and in accordance with the requirements of "high yield, high quality, economy and environmental protection", we will consolidate and upgrade the formula fertilization by soil testing, promote the diversified substitution of fertilizers, and strengthen the "three new" integrated support of new fertilization technologies, new fertilizer products and new application machines. Strengthen the innovation of efficient fertilization service mode, establish fertilizer efficiency monitoring and evaluation system, promote fertilization accuracy, intelligence, greening and specialization, improve fertilizer utilization rate, stabilize the total amount of agricultural fertilizer application, and provide strong support for stable grain supply, green development and rural revitalization.

Second, the basic principles

(1) Adhere to the overall planning of production and ecology. Taking ensuring national food security as the bottom line, we should make overall consideration of crop yield increase and non-point source pollution prevention and control, scientifically and reasonably determine the amount of fertilizer, avoid excessive fertilization and blind weight loss on the basis of ensuring crop nutrient supply, and promote the coordinated development of production ecology.

(2) Adhere to both productivity and efficiency. Focus on new technologies, new products, new machines and tools, give full play to the important role of scientific fertilization technology in promoting the improvement of grain productivity, and effectively promote the increase of yield per unit area. Optimize the fertilization structure and methods, adjust the proportion of nutrient forms, pay attention to the supplement of medium and trace elements, and improve the utilization efficiency of fertilizers.

(three) adhere to the organic and inorganic cooperation. Comprehensive consideration of crop nutrient demand and the characteristics of regional resources, make overall use of various nutrient sources, guide farmers to plant green manure, accumulate farmyard manure, apply microbial fertilizer, etc., and combine with the application of formula fertilizer, special fertilizer and slow-release fertilizer to replace part of chemical fertilizer input and promote crop nutrient balance.

(4) Adhere to both integration and demonstration. Carry out the "three new" integrated supporting measures according to local conditions, strengthen the integration of machinery and art, the combination of technology and materials, and the cooperation of materials and machinery, improve the efficiency of fertilizer utilization, and promote crop production and income. Create the core model area of "Three Innovations" demonstration, strengthen policy guidance and publicity and training, improve the rate of key technologies in place, and promote the landing of "Three Innovations".

Third, consolidate and improve soil testing and formula fertilization

(1) Consolidate basic work.

Take soil for testing. Establish a normalized soil testing mechanism, make overall use of data resources such as the third soil survey, do soil tests as needed, and constantly improve and update the soil nutrient database. Explore batch and automatic rapid testing technology to improve work efficiency. Based on the routine five items, the determination of medium and trace elements should be strengthened to fully grasp the soil nutrient status. Field experiment. According to the relevant requirements of Technical Specification for Formulated Fertilization by Soil Testing (NY/T 2911), combined with the needs of scientific fertilization work and key work arrangements in various places, field fertilizer efficiency tests such as organic-inorganic coordination, mechanical fertilization, integration of water and fertilizer, medium and trace elements and new fertilizers were carried out as a whole to provide support for optimizing fertilizer formula and fertilization scheme. Survey of farmers. Comprehensive consideration of regional, crop, main body and other factors, further optimize the setting of investigation points, focus on monitoring crop yield, fertilization quantity, fertilization varieties, fertilization period, fertilization methods and other information, and establish a normalized investigation mechanism. Farmers' fertilization monitoring is reported through the mobile phone-side WeChat scan code "fertilization monitoring pass" applet or the PC-side login information system.

(2) Improve the supply of formula fertilizer

Optimize the fertilizer formula. Fully tap the basic data of soil testing and formula fertilization, formulate fertilizer formula based on crop nutrient demand, soil nutrient supply and fertilizer effect, coordinate the proportion of base fertilizer topdressing, and pay attention to nutrient form coordination and medium and trace element supplement. Strengthen formula release. A large number of fertilizer formulas are synthesized by clustering and other methods to form a regional main fertilizer formula with reasonable ratio and convenient production. Establish release channels and release mechanisms for fertilizer formulas, and guide enterprises to produce formulated fertilizers. Make a good supply of formula fertilizer. Coordinate all forces to realize the effective link of "timely release, on-demand production and scientific application" of fertilizer formula. Encourage fertilizer production enterprises to set up intelligent fertilizer distribution stations in different regions and crops, establish a diversified, fixed-point, accurate and comprehensive supply system of formula fertilizer, and expand the production and supply of formula fertilizer.

(3) Improve scientific fertilization services

Information guidance. Timely formulate and issue guidance on scientific fertilization of major crops in the region, promote fertilization schemes to enter stores, households, walls and nets, and guide farmers to apply fertilizers according to the "square". Intelligent recommendation. Popularize and apply intelligent and simple recommended fertilization systems such as NE fertilization system and county soil testing formula fertilization expert system to guide the scientific and rational application of formula fertilizer and improve farmers' scientific fertilization level. Make full use of mobile APP, SMS WeChat, touch screen, etc. to carry out technical publicity of formula fertilizer application and improve the rate of formula fertilizer in place. Professional service. Actively cultivate scientific fertilization social service organizations, support fertilizer enterprises and social service organizations to carry out personalized and customized formula fertilizer application services, and promote formula fertilizer application. By means of information technology, the supply and demand network of formula fertilizer is explored, and a formula fertilizer supply model of "independent selection, on-demand production and accurate distribution" is formed.

Fourth, carry out the "three new" model integration demonstration

(A) innovative fertilization technology

1. Efficient nutrition diagnosis. Innovate efficient, rapid and low-cost testing technology, improve work efficiency, and build a full-course nutritional diagnosis technology system combining soil testing and plant diagnosis. Combined extraction and simultaneous determination of multiple elements were used to carry out batch testing and transformation of soil available nutrients. Explore the application of modern technologies such as spectrum, remote sensing, sensors and cloud computing, carry out real-time dynamic crop plant nutrition diagnosis and monitoring, obtain crop growth data in real time, judge the nutrient abundance and deficiency, and promote the application of "soil testing+diagnosis" efficient nutrition diagnosis technology.

2. Precise nutrient regulation. Strengthen the coordination among soil, fertilizer and crops, and adopt technologies such as overall planning of base fertilizer and topdressing, combination of quick-acting and slow-releasing, and compatibility of nutrient forms to promote the matching of nutrient demand and supply quantity, time synchronization and spatial coupling. Based on the yield response, economic benefits and environmental effects of fertilization, the dosage of fertilizer varieties, the proportion of nutrient forms and the time and position of fertilization are accurately regulated, and efficient and accurate fertilization regulation is carried out to achieve the comprehensive goals of high yield, high quality, economy and environmental protection.

3. Digital fertilization management. The basic data of soil testing and formula fertilization are systematically mined to strengthen the digital management of soil nutrients. Using modern technologies such as satellite remote sensing, aerial photography of unmanned aerial vehicles, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, etc., we can obtain information on crop production, water and fertilizer utilization in real time, optimize fertilization parameters, establish an accurate crop nutrition demand model and fertilization decision-making system, and build a big data platform. We will use the mobile internet such as WeChat WeChat official account and mobile APP to carry out information services, explore the application of variable fertilization machines, drones, water and fertilizer integration and other equipment for precise variable fertilization, and promote the digitalization and intelligence of fertilization.

(B) the application of new fertilizer products

1. Slow release fertilizer. Fertilizers that release nutrients slowly through various regulatory mechanisms to meet the needs of crops in the whole growth period include polymer coating, sulfur coating, coated fertilizer, urea-formaldehyde fertilizer and so on. Polymer coated fertilizer is mainly used as base fertilizer for one-time application. Sulfur-coated fertilizer is mainly coated urea, and the release rate of nitrogen is related to the coating thickness and environmental conditions. The controllability is not as good as that of polymer coating, but the production cost is low, which can supplement sulfur and is suitable for sulfur-deficient soil in the north. The coated fertilizer uses calcium magnesium phosphate, calcium hydrogen phosphate and potassium ammonium phosphate to coat urea, which can be used as base fertilizer or topdressing. When making base fertilizer, pay attention to the interval between fertilizer and seeds above 5cm. When making topdressing, the fertilization time should be advanced appropriately, and lateral application or hole application should be adopted. The nutrient release of urea-formaldehyde fertilizer depends on the decomposition and mineralization of soil microorganisms, and it is mainly used in field crops.

2. Microbial fertilizer. Refers to the fertilizer containing specific microorganisms, which can increase the supply of plant nutrients or promote plant growth through the life activities of the microorganisms contained. The application methods include seed dressing, root dipping, soil application, spraying, etc. Before application, we should pay attention to the information such as production date, application amount and application method, and apply it within the validity period. The application time should be early, the application position should be close to the root system, and the fertilization should be uniform. Avoid application under high temperature and drought conditions, cover the soil in time after application, and avoid long-term direct sunlight. It is not suitable for mixing with fungicides and pesticides. When applying phosphate-dissolving and potassium-dissolving microbial fertilizer products, the soil with relatively rich organic matter and phosphorus deficiency should be selected, and the microbial fertilizer should be applied in combination with organic fertilizer and chemical fertilizer.

3. Stable fertilizer. Urease inhibitor and nitrification inhibitor are added to nitrogen fertilizer to inhibit urea hydrolysis and ammonium nitrogen nitrification, thus prolonging fertilizer efficiency. Stable fertilizer has high nitrogen content, fast dissolution rate and easy seedling burning. When applying it, it should ensure that the seed fertilizer is isolated more than 7cm. Generally, it is combined with farmyard manure, combined with soil preparation, and the base fertilizer is applied at one time. The dosage should be determined according to the planting crops, yield level and soil fertility. Saline-alkali land and dry land should be used cautiously, and sandy land should not be used because of serious fertilizer leakage.

4. Water-soluble fertilizer. Soluble in water, fast in nutrient absorption and high in fertilizer efficiency, it is mainly applied by foliar spraying, soaking seeds and dipping roots, and integrating water and fertilizer. Strictly control the concentration of fertilizer solution during application to avoid fertilizer damage caused by too high concentration or reduce fertilizer efficiency by too low concentration. When foliar spraying, choose the key period of fertilization. In the integrated application of water and fertilizer, the content of water insoluble matter should be controlled according to the type of irrigation system, and attention should be paid to the reaction between fertilizer and irrigation water and the compatibility of fertilizer mixing to avoid clogging the emitter.

5. Medium and trace element fertilizer. On the basis of scientific application of a large number of elements, medium element fertilizers such as calcium, magnesium and sulfur and trace element fertilizers such as zinc, boron, molybdenum, iron and manganese are reasonably supplemented. The application of medium and trace element fertilizers should be aimed at sensitive crops and soil lacking elements, so as to improve the pertinence. It can be applied by basic application, seed soaking, foliar spraying and water and fertilizer integration. In general, the dosage of trace element fertilizer is small, so the dosage should be determined according to the actual situation, and the application concentration should be controlled to avoid fertilizer damage.

(3) A new way of integrated fertilization

1. Deep lateral fertilization of rice. The rice transplanter is equipped with a deep fertilizer applicator, and the basal tiller fertilizer is applied to the side of the seedling at a depth of about 5cm while transplanting rice. Paddy field ploughing depth is about 20cm, straw is buried, mud settling time is more than 10 days, it is fine and smooth, and the hardness is moderate, so it is appropriate to slowly close the finger ditch. Seedlings should be white and vigorous, thick and tidy, with green leaves and suitable seedling age. Select local suitable lateral deep fertilization machines and tools, and work at a constant speed when transplanting rice seedlings, so as to avoid seedling shortage, lodging, crooked seedlings and buried seedlings. Fertilization should be uniform, so as to avoid blocking the fertilizer outlet. Maintain water layer after transplanting to promote greening.

2. Corn seed and fertilizer are sown simultaneously. Seed and base fertilizer are applied to the soil at one time by using a seed and fertilizer co-seeder. After the previous crop straw is crushed and returned to the field, the height of the stubble is less than 8cm, so it is advisable not to affect the mechanical sowing. The flatness of the field should be suitable for mechanized farming, and the relative water content of 0~20cm topsoil should be 70%~75%. Choose varieties with high yield and strong stress resistance, and the seeds should be uniform in size, full in particles and up to standard in germination rate. According to the requirements of corn plant spacing, row spacing and sowing depth, the parameters of seed and fertilizer simultaneous sowing machine are adjusted. Generally, the seed depth is 3~5cm, the fertilizer depth is about 10cm, and the lateral spacing between seed and fertilizer is more than 7cm. In the later stage, topdressing can be carried out according to the growth or lack of elements of corn.

3. Deep application of wheat machinery. Before sowing, apply fertilizer as base fertilizer to the soil layer at one time, or complete fertilization and sowing operations at one time when sowing. Before sowing wheat, fertilizer can be spread mechanically or manually, and then rotary tillage can be carried out with a rotary cultivator, or direct rotary tillage and sowing can be carried out with a rotary sowing machine; You can also directly use the sowing and fertilization machine to complete the sowing and fertilization operation at one time when sowing wheat. The amount of fertilizer is determined according to soil nutrients, yield level and fertilizer type.

4. Foliar spraying. The fertilizer is prepared into an aqueous solution, directly sprayed on the surface of the leaves, and topdressing is carried out through leaf absorption. Mastering the concentration of fertilizer solution can appropriately increase the nutrient concentration and increase the leaf absorption effect without causing fertilizer damage to leaves. The concentration of urea solution sprayed on gramineous crops such as rice and wheat is generally 1.5%~2.0%, vegetables are 1.0%~1.5%, and fruit trees and tea are 0.5%. The spraying concentration of water-soluble fertilizer can refer to the product identification. According to crop species, nutrient requirements in growth period and environmental conditions, the spraying period is selected. Rice, corn, etc. are sprayed from the initial flowering stage to the filling stage, melons and fruits are sprayed in the expansion stage, and boron fertilizer and zinc fertilizer are sprayed at the initial flowering stage of transplantation. When spraying, the temperature is 15~25℃, and the temperature of liquid fertilizer is 20~28℃.

5. Drone spraying. UAV is used to carry out foliar spraying of water-soluble fertilizer or granular fertilizer, so as to realize accurate and efficient fertilization and improve fertilizer utilization efficiency and fertilization operation efficiency. According to the actual situation, set the flying height, speed, spray width, flow rate and other parameters of the UAV to ensure appropriate dosage and uniform spray. It is advisable to operate on a windless cloudy day or sunny evening. If it rains after spraying, it should be sprayed again to ensure fertilizer efficiency. Pay attention to control the amount and concentration of fertilization to prevent seedling injury.

6. Water and fertilizer integration. According to crop variety, planting system and irrigation method, the integrated mode of water and fertilizer and water-soluble fertilizer are selected. According to the principle of "fertilizer goes with the water, a small amount of fertilizer is repeated and fitted by stages", the irrigation and fertilization system is formulated, the number and times of topdressing are appropriately increased, and the nutrient utilization rate is improved. According to the fertilization system, the irrigation time and times are adjusted. When crops need fertilization but do not need irrigation, the irrigation times are increased, the irrigation quota is reduced and the irrigation time is shortened. According to the weather changes, soil moisture, crop growth and other actual conditions, timely adjust the irrigation and fertilization system.

Five, multiple substitution to reduce fertilizer input

(1) Inoculating soybean rhizobia. It mainly includes seed dressing, spraying and coating. Seed dressing requires rhizobia seed dressing within 12 hours before sowing according to the sowing amount of soybean. Use clean containers such as pots, barrels and bags or seed dressing machinery to mix a proper amount of rhizobia agent with soybean seeds, gently stir until all seeds are attached with rhizobia agent, and sow the seeds after drying in the shade. The dosage of rhizobia agent and water should be determined according to the area of spraying, and the bacterial solution should be prepared at present. Add the rhizobia agent into the water, stir it evenly, and then spray the rhizobia solution on the surface of soybean seeds and the surrounding soil with spraying equipment. If possible, you can buy rhizobia agent to coat the seeds. When storing, pay attention to spreading them in a cool place to dry, keep them dry and ventilated, and avoid exposure. The temperature should not exceed 4℃.

(2) planting green manure. Returning green manure to the field and applying formula fertilizer can reduce the amount of nitrogen fertilizer by 10%~30%. You can choose Chinese milk vetch, vetch seed,Arrow pea, alfalfaLeguminous green manure such as alfalfa or non-leguminous green manure such as radish and rape in fertile fields are turned over and returned to the field as base fertilizer. Dry land can adopt rotation, intercropping, intercropping, mixed cropping, etc., and the next crop should be turned over 15-20 days before sowing or transplanting, with a depth of 12-18 cm. Fruit tea garden can adopt natural mulching, mowing mulching or turning back to the field, and the turning depth is 15~20cm. The combination of mowing, covering and turning is suitable for tall green manure, and the turning is suitable for short green manure or creeping green manure.

(3) Applying organic fertilizer. Through the application of compost, biogas residue and biogas slurry and straw returning to the field, combined with formula fertilizer, the yield and quality can be increased, the quantity can be reduced and the efficiency can be increased. Organic fertilizer is mainly based on basal application, which can be applied evenly and ploughed into the soil by methods such as spreading, strip, ring, radial furrow application or hole application. Mechanical deep application is recommended. Compost and biogas residue are generally used as base fertilizer, and the application amount is 1~3 tons/mu. Biogas slurry can be used as base fertilizer and topdressing, with the dosage of 2~8 cubic meters/mu. Strip application, hole application, ring fertilization or sprinkler irrigation and drip irrigation are adopted to cover the soil in time. Straw can be returned to the field by turning over, mulching, composting, etc., with the application of nitrogen fertilizer and straw decomposing agent. According to the nutrient content and fertilizer efficiency characteristics of organic fertilizer, the amount of chemical fertilizer reduction is determined, and the plots that have not applied organic fertilizer for a long time can avoid a large reduction of chemical fertilizer in the current season.

(4) Applying organic and inorganic compound fertilizers. Organic-inorganic compound fertilizer can not only give play to the advantages of fast fertilizer efficiency and sufficient supply of inorganic components, but also give play to the advantages of organic components in improving soil organic matter content and fertility. Mainly used in cash crops, but also in field crops. It can be used as base fertilizer, topdressing and seed fertilizer. When planting seed fertilizer, strip application and hole application can be used to avoid direct contact with seeds. Organic-inorganic compound fertilizer with high phosphorus and potassium content can be used as base fertilizer instead of common compound fertilizer, and high nitrogen organic-inorganic compound fertilizer can also be used as topdressing.

VI. Job Requirements

(a) to strengthen the "three new" integration. Summarize the application results of new technologies, new products and new machines for scientific fertilization, pay attention to the integration of machinery and art, the combination of technology and materials, and the cooperation of materials and machinery, and strengthen the integrated innovation and experimental demonstration of "three new" technologies. Combining the new round of 100-billion-Jin grain production capacity improvement action and the implementation of soybean oil production capacity improvement project, select areas with excellent basic conditions, strong industrial representation and good technical support, focus on the main crops and key issues, build "three new" core model areas, set up signs and clarify the model, and achieve scale, observation and popularization. Demonstration leads and radiation leads the large-scale popularization and application of the "three new" technology model in this region, and achieves practical results.

(2) Strengthen the management of basic data collection. In accordance with the requirements of the Notice of the Planting Management Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs on Strengthening the Management and Application of Soil Testing and Formula Fertilization Data (Nong Nong (Fei Shui) [2020] No.30), the data management responsibility is further clarified, the data submission system is strictly enforced, and a special person is designated to be responsible for the collection and reporting of basic data of soil testing and formula fertilization and field test data. Do a good job in data audit to ensure that the data is scientific, reasonable, true and reliable. Strengthen data management to ensure data security. At the end of the year, the data collection and evaluation report of soil testing and formula fertilization will be carried out.

(three) to carry out the effect monitoring and evaluation. The coverage rate of soil testing and formula fertilization technology and fertilizer utilization rate are taken as the main indicators to evaluate the effectiveness of provincial scientific fertilization. Coordinate the promotion of soil testing and formula fertilization technology, improve the work ledger, publicity and training, application records of formula fertilizer and other information, and promote the soil testing and formula fertilization technology in detail. Standardize the field calculation of fertilizer utilization rate, coordinate crop types, fertilization methods, soil nutrient status and other factors to arrange field experiments reasonably, and improve the mechanism of fertilizer utilization rate calculation. Encourage and support the technical forces of scientific research and teaching units to participate in related work, and improve the scientific and normative monitoring and evaluation work.

(4) Strengthen technical guidance training. Continue to deepen the scientific fertilization guidance action of "100 experts unite 100 counties", fully mobilize the resources of experts at the Ministry and provincial levels, implement the responsibility of each section, formulate technical guidance, and participate in the demonstration work of chemical fertilizer reduction and efficiency improvement and "three new" technologies. In-depth promotion of "100 counties, thousands of townships and thousands of households" scientific fertilization training action, organization of four-level linkage of agricultural technology extension departments, interaction among scientific research and teaching, industry associations and fertilizer enterprises, and in-depth technical training. Training is carried out in various forms, such as indoor lectures, on-site observation and online guidance, by issuing clear papers, brochures and technical wall charts. Use all kinds of media to carry out all-round and multi-angle publicity to promote the implementation of technology.