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Trend of pesticide market in 2023: Ecological pesticides and green pesticides will become the highlights of pesticide industry development in 2023.


The Central Economic Work Conference was held in Beijing from December 15th to 16th, 2022. The meeting summarized the economic work in 2022, profoundly analyzed the domestic and international economic situation, and made arrangements for the overall requirements, policy orientation and key tasks of economic work in 2023. The central economic work conference pointed out that it is necessary to comprehensively promote rural revitalization and resolutely prevent large-scale return to poverty. The meeting put forward the idea of "implementing a new round of 100-billion-Jin grain production capacity improvement action" for agriculture, which is to ensure that China people's rice bowls are firmly in their own hands at all times, to ensure the reasonable income of grain farmers, and to firmly hold the two bottom lines of ensuring national food security and not returning to poverty on a large scale. This shows that the central government attaches great importance to agricultural production and is also an important measure to effectively ensure national food security. Agriculture and agricultural materials such as pesticides are inseparable, promoting each other and influencing each other. The "implementation of a new round of 100 billion Jin grain production capacity improvement action" proposed by the meeting will certainly bring opportunities to the pesticide industry and the market. Therefore, this meeting will also have a great impact on the development and market stability of the pesticide industry in 2023. Facing the international situation of high winds and high waves, and the impact of COVID-19 epidemic on people's normal work and production, it will be of great significance to fully understand and understand the spirit of this Central Economic Work Conference for grasping the trend of pesticide market in 2023 and doing well all the work of pesticide industry in 2023.

The conference will bring new opportunities and challenges to China's pesticide industry and market in 2023.

The meeting will lay a good policy environment for benefiting farmers' industry, and the policies released by it will certainly benefit the development of pesticide industry and bring opportunities for the development of pesticide market and industry.

The Central Economic Work Conference proposed that we should continue to implement a proactive fiscal policy and a prudent monetary policy. A proactive fiscal policy should strengthen efforts to improve efficiency, ensure the necessary intensity of fiscal expenditure, reduce taxes and fees, and strengthen support for enterprises. These policies will greatly benefit the development of pesticide industry.

In addition, expanding domestic demand, promoting domestic consumption, and various policies and reform measures for benefiting farmers from people's livelihood will further increase farmers' income and enhance China's confidence in developing agriculture. All these will be beneficial to the all-round development of pesticide industry in China, the prosperity of pesticide market, the improvement of pesticide consumption environment and external environment, and the long-term development and market stability and prosperity of pesticide industry in China.


Pesticide is an indispensable and important substance for "implementing the new round of 100-billion-Jin grain production capacity improvement action". The 100-billion-Jin grain production capacity improvement action will also empower the pesticide industry and promote the healthy development of the pesticide market and industry.

The meeting put forward the idea of "implementing a new round of 100 billion Jin of grain production capacity improvement", which is an important measure to ensure that China people's rice bowls should be firmly in their own hands at all times, and it is also a mobilization order for China's agricultural development in the new era. "Implementing a new round of 100 billion Jin of grain production capacity improvement action" means that the central government will take promoting China's agricultural development, rural revitalization and ensuring food security as the basis of the new process of building a modern country in an all-round way.

The development of agriculture in China is inseparable from pesticides. There are many kinds of diseases, insects and weeds in China, including 742 kinds of diseases, 838 kinds of pests (mites), 704 kinds of weeds and 20 kinds of rodents, among which more than 100 kinds of diseases, insects and weeds have caused serious losses to crops. After the use of pesticides, some common diseases, pests and weeds have been effectively controlled, saving China 58 million tons of grain output, 1.5 million tons of cotton, 2.3 million tons of oil, 50 million tons of vegetables and 6 million tons of fruits every year. According to analysis, every time 1 yuan pesticides are put into use, agriculture can benefit from 6~10 yuan, and economic losses can be saved more than 30 billion yuan every year.

It can be seen that pesticides are * * * important and * * effective means to increase agricultural production and income, which will play an extraordinary role in "implementing a new round of 100 billion Jin grain production capacity improvement action", promoting agricultural development and ensuring food security, and is also an important basis for realizing 100 billion Jin grain production capacity improvement and ensuring China's agricultural production. Especially in today's urbanization and the reality of giving birth to three children, facing the trend of increasing population and decreasing pests and diseases in China, facing the situation of rural labor shortage and accelerating land circulation, pesticide industry will continue to undertake arduous tasks and play an important role in promoting agricultural development and ensuring national food security.

The goals and requirements put forward by the meeting, such as striving for progress while maintaining stability, will also bring new challenges to the development of pesticide industry and market stability.

The Central Economic Work Conference proposed that to do a good job in economic work in 2023, we should take Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the guide, fully implement the spirit of the 20th Party Congress, solidly promote Chinese modernization, adhere to the general tone of striving for progress while maintaining stability, implement the new development concept completely, accurately and comprehensively, accelerate the construction of a new development pattern, focus on promoting high-quality development, better coordinate epidemic prevention and control, economic and social development, and better coordinate development and safety. Deepen reform and opening up in an all-round way, vigorously boost market confidence, organically combine the implementation of the strategy of expanding domestic demand with the deepening of structural reform on the supply side, focus on stabilizing growth, employment and prices, effectively prevent and resolve major risks, promote the overall improvement of economic operation, achieve effective improvement in quality and reasonable growth in quantity, and make a good start for building a socialist modern country in an all-round way ... All these reflect new development requirements, new ideas and new economic policies and strategic intentions.

Some requirements and measures put forward at the meeting not only benefit the development of pesticide industry, but also bring new challenges to the development of pesticide industry. As we all know, the development of China's pesticide industry is influenced by many subjective and objective factors. For 2023, the environment for the development of pesticide industry in China is not relaxed. We must be soberly aware that the current global epidemic continues, the world economic growth is greatly affected, the world is changing, the sources of global turmoil and risk factors are significantly increasing, and there are uncertainties in the global trade and investment pattern and the changing direction of agricultural products prices. Domestically, China has optimized epidemic prevention and control measures according to the situation, and coordinated epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development. However, China's economy is still facing great pressures and challenges. Besides the "triple pressures" mentioned at the meeting, there are still many uncertainties. In 2023, the economic growth rate may show a trend of low before and high after.

Under such circumstances, the pesticide industry will also face new challenges in 2023. For example, the contradiction between pesticide development and resources and environment under the new structure, the rising production and operation costs of enterprises and the lack of innovation ability in new service strategies, and the risks in the fields of environmental protection and safety production still exist, which will inevitably affect the development of pesticides in 2023. The pesticide industry must look for ideas from the central economic work conference, brainstorm ideas and work hard to make a good start for building a socialist modern country in an all-round way.



Development and market trend of China's pesticide industry in 2023 under the background of the conference

Expanding domestic demand will improve the relationship between supply and demand in the pesticide market in 2023, and the prospect of China's pesticide industry and market in 2023 is expected.

The Central Economic Work Conference proposed that efforts should be made to expand domestic demand, and priority should be given to restoring and expanding consumption. Enhance consumption capacity, improve consumption conditions and innovate consumption scenarios. The meeting stressed that vigorously boosting market confidence and organically combining the implementation of the strategy of expanding domestic demand with deepening supply-side structural reform. It is very important to deepen the structural reform of the supply side and build a new development pattern with the domestic macro-cycle as the main body and the domestic and international dual cycles promoting each other. In order to establish the domestic macro-cycle as the main body and actively establish a complete domestic demand system, it is necessary to continuously expand domestic demand and give play to the basic role of consumption.

China is a big agricultural country, but also a big producer and user of pesticides. There is still a lot of room for the use of pesticides in China, and there is still room for boosting the demand for pesticide consumption. However, we must also pay attention to demand-side management and strengthen the management of the total amount and structure of demand. The meeting put forward the idea of "implementing a new round of 100-billion-Jin grain production capacity improvement action", which highlighted the great importance attached to agricultural production and food security, and the high attention to agriculture and good policies may also introduce more favorable policies, thus effectively mobilizing the enthusiasm of farmers, large farmers and agricultural cooperatives and other new business entities to invest in agriculture, which will also promote the increase of domestic pesticide demand and provide a good market space for the development of China's pesticide industry in 2023. In 2023, rural revitalization will continue to advance in an all-round way, and building a socialist modern country in an all-round way will take more sonorous steps, which will undoubtedly bring good environment and opportunities for the development of pesticide industry.

In 2023, the pesticide industry and market will accelerate innovation and optimize the structure around "implementing a new round of 100 billion Jin grain production capacity improvement action", and high-quality development will become the main theme of the industry.

It is an important task for China's agriculture in 2023 to "implement a new round of 100 billion Jin grain production capacity improvement action". But the key to action is to put scientific and technological innovation at the top of all tasks. The Central Economic Work Conference proposed that efforts should be made to promote high-quality development and rely on innovation to cultivate and expand new kinetic energy for development. This puts forward new requirements for pesticide industry. How to serve the "100 billion Jin of grain production capacity improvement" strategy, the key is to focus on the weak links of the industry, implement key core technology research projects, solve a number of "stuck neck" problems as soon as possible, intensively cultivate in the industrial advantage areas, and create more unique skills, which requires the pesticide industry to accelerate innovation.

However, China's pesticide production is mainly imitation, pesticide preparations are relatively backward, there are many homogenized products, and the research and development of new products is weak. Its technological progress and innovation ability still need to be strengthened. From the perspective of the product structure of the whole pesticide industry, there are still problems such as "strong" original drug, "weak" preparation and unreasonable pesticide product structure. Therefore, we must accelerate innovation on the basis of increasing the strategic adjustment of industrial structure, further enhance the independent and controllable ability of industrial chain supply chain, ensure the safety and stability of industrial chain supply chain, and accelerate the transition to high-quality development. In addition, we must vigorously develop the digital economy, use information technology and advanced intelligent technology to transform and upgrade the manufacturing industry, improve the quality of varieties, continuously increase added value, promote the extension of producer services to specialization and high-end value chain, and upgrade industries with digitalization, intelligence and informationization.


Promoting the green transformation of economic and social development will promote the rise of modern green agriculture in 2023, and the development of green pesticides will enter a new era. New ecological pesticides will become the inevitable trend of pesticide market development in 2023.

The Central Economic Work Conference proposed to promote the green transformation of economic and social development, and jointly promote carbon reduction, pollution reduction, greening and growth to build a beautiful China. Accelerate the research and development, application and promotion of cutting-edge technologies such as new energy, artificial intelligence, bio-manufacturing, green and low carbon, and quantum computing. Efforts should be made to strengthen the weak links in the industrial chain and forge new industrial competitive advantages in the process of implementing the goal of carbon neutrality in peak carbon dioxide emissions, which puts forward the direction for the development of China's pesticide industry. In 2023, green agriculture will rise in the process of "promoting the green transformation of economic and social development". Ecological pesticides and green pesticides will become the focus of pesticide industry development in 2023, and pesticides with high efficiency, safety, economy and environmental protection will be the main development direction in 2023. There will be a variety of bio-pesticides, and breakthroughs will be made in the use of bio-pesticides, such as bio-fungicides. The demand for high-efficiency, low-toxicity and low-residue pesticides is promising, and bio-pesticides will have great development space.

Promoting high-level opening-up will bring new opportunities for China's pesticide export in 2023, which will develop with a good momentum, but the challenges are severe and the risks are still not small.

Since 2022, under the influence of the accelerated evolution of the great changes in the world, the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic and the domestic economic downturn, the domestic and international trade situation is complicated. China's pesticide industry is under pressure, insisting on opening to the outside world, forming a new pattern of mutual promotion of domestic and international double cycles. However, we must see that de-globalization, regional conflicts, epidemic situation and unilateral protectionism have brought adverse effects on the current global economic development, and there are still downside risks in the world economic prospects, and trade risk frictions will always be on the road. Under such circumstances, it is impossible for China's pesticide exports to be unaffected in 2023. However, China is a major pesticide producer in the world, and two-thirds of its products depend on exports. Therefore, in 2023, we should intensify our efforts to meet the difficulties. The meeting proposed to promote high-level opening up and improve the quality and level of trade and investment cooperation; It is necessary to better coordinate domestic circulation and international circulation, focus on building a new development pattern, enhance the endogenous power and reliability of domestic large circulation, and improve the quality and level of international circulation. It is a strategic choice to reshape China's new advantages in international cooperation and competition to promote the formation of a new development pattern with domestic macro-cycle as the main body and domestic and international dual-cycle promoting each other. The meeting also stressed the need to make greater efforts to promote the stable scale and excellent structure of foreign trade, make greater efforts to promote the stable stock and expansion of foreign capital, and foster new growth points of international economic and trade cooperation. It is expected that in 2023, China's pesticide industry will make new progress in its high-level opening to the outside world, and its pesticide export will be improved. However, the international environment is complex and severe, and the growth of pesticide export in 2023 still faces some uncertain factors. We should also take adequate measures to ensure the steady and far-reaching development of pesticide export in China.

Source: Pesticide Market Information No.2, 2023, by Han Yongqi.

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